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Commits for xdocs/ (per author)

AuthorRevisionsLines of CodeAdded Lines of CodeLines of Code per Change
Gabriele Carcassi262 (94.9%) 3920 (98.5%) 6108 (91.3%) 14.96
aheavey14 (5.1%) 58 (1.5%) 581 (8.7%) 4.14

Commit Log

12/14/05 4:21 PMGabriele Carcassi
Type: vo lower case (1 Files changed, 1 Lines changed)
xdocs/guide_howto_configuration.html 1.5 (+1 -1)
12/13/05 10:55 AMGabriele Carcassi
Update FAQs (1 Files changed, 1 Lines changed)
xdocs/troubleshootingFaq.fml 1.3 (+1 -0)
12/13/05 9:56 AMGabriele Carcassi
Update FAQs (2 Files changed, 43 Lines changed)
xdocs/troubleshootingFaq.fml 1.2 (+43 -1)
xdocs/faq.fml 1.8 (+0 -9)
12/7/05 4:09 PMGabriele Carcassi
More info on nightly build and maven tasks (1 Files changed, 31 Lines changed)
xdocs/how_to_build.html 1.2 (+31 -0)
12/7/05 3:52 PMGabriele Carcassi
Added a few notes on the release process (2 Files changed, 51 Lines changed)
xdocs/navigation.xml 1.50 (+1 -0)
xdocs/release_process.html 1.1 added 50
11/30/05 10:19 AMGabriele Carcassi
Added another couple of presentations (1 Files changed, 3 Lines changed)
xdocs/navigation.xml 1.49 (+3 -0)
11/30/05 10:13 AMGabriele Carcassi
Adding CHEP 2004 presentation (1 Files changed, 3 Lines changed)
xdocs/navigation.xml 1.48 (+3 -1)
11/30/05 10:06 AMGabriele Carcassi
Adding presentations (1 Files changed, 9 Lines changed)
xdocs/navigation.xml 1.47 (+9 -1)
11/30/05 9:52 AMGabriele Carcassi
Adding Super Computing 2005 demos (1 Files changed, 8 Lines changed)
xdocs/navigation.xml 1.46 (+8 -0)
10/25/05 4:33 PMGabriele Carcassi
Added a few notes on how to build (2 Files changed, 108 Lines changed)
xdocs/how_to_build.html 1.1 added 107
xdocs/navigation.xml 1.45 (+1 -0)
7/21/05 11:55 AMGabriele Carcassi
1.1.0 released: going back to SNAPSHOT (2 Files changed, 11 Lines changed)
xdocs/download.html 1.8 (+8 -0)
xdocs/changes.xml 1.22 (+3 -0)
7/20/05 4:40 PMGabriele Carcassi
Preparing release 1.1.0 (1 Files changed, 1 Lines changed)
xdocs/changes.xml 1.21 (+1 -1)
7/20/05 2:51 PMGabriele Carcassi
Documentation update (19 Files changed, 314 Lines changed)
xdocs/guide_integration_gums.html 1.5 (+7 -8)
xdocs/changes.xml 1.20 (+2 -0)
xdocs/guide_logging_details.html 1.3 (+8 -11)
xdocs/guide_installation.html 1.10 (+60 -69)
xdocs/guide_howto_installation_VDT.html 1.2 (+7 -149)
xdocs/guide_architecture.html 1.5 (+1 -1)
xdocs/guide_commands_gums-host.html 1.2 (+18 -46)
xdocs/guide_config.html 1.7 (+1 -1)
xdocs/guide_howto_installation.html 1.21 (+8 -16)
xdocs/guide_howto_configuration.html 1.4 (+33 -20)
xdocs/navigation-pdf.xml 1.10 (+24 -22)
xdocs/guide_introduction.html 1.8 (+28 -17)
xdocs/guide_config_gums.html 1.14 (+26 -18)
xdocs/guide_logging.html 1.8 (+5 -5)
xdocs/faq.fml 1.7 (+9 -2)
xdocs/navigation.xml 1.44 (+28 -22)
xdocs/guide_commands_gums.html 1.4 (+24 -52)
xdocs/guide_howto_upgrade_1.1_1.0.html 1.2 (+22 -5)
xdocs/guide_commands.html 1.6 (+3 -1)
7/15/05 1:50 PMGabriele Carcassi
Documentation update (1 Files changed, 67 Lines changed)
xdocs/guide_config_gums.html 1.13 (+67 -15)
7/14/05 6:11 PMGabriele Carcassi
Documentation updated. (2 Files changed, 118 Lines changed)
xdocs/guide_config_gums.html 1.12 (+117 -32)
xdocs/guide_howto_installation.html 1.20 (+1 -49)
7/7/05 2:30 PMGabriele Carcassi
Updated documentation and added upgrade guide (5 Files changed, 200 Lines changed)
xdocs/navigation.xml 1.43 (+3 -1)
xdocs/guide_architecture.html 1.4 (+53 -36)
xdocs/troubleshootingFaq.fml 1.1 added 85
xdocs/navigation-pdf.xml 1.9 (+2 -0)
xdocs/guide_howto_upgrade_1.1_1.0.html 1.1 added 57
7/1/05 4:48 PMGabriele Carcassi
VDT installation added to web bar (2 Files changed, 12 Lines changed)
xdocs/navigation.xml 1.42 (+3 -2)
xdocs/navigation-pdf.xml 1.8 (+9 -9)
6/28/05 2:25 PMGabriele Carcassi
Doc update (5 Files changed, 302 Lines changed)
xdocs/navigation-pdf.xml 1.7 (+2 -1)
xdocs/guide_config_gums.html 1.11 (+106 -14)
xdocs/guide_commands.html 1.5 (+12 -3)
xdocs/guide_howto_installation_VDT.html 1.1 added 180
xdocs/guide_howto_configuration.html 1.3 (+2 -7)
6/17/05 11:36 AMGabriele Carcassi
Allowing '.' '_' and '-' in the FQAN.

Also minor performance improvement.
(1 Files changed, 2 Lines changed)
xdocs/changes.xml 1.19 (+2 -1)
6/15/05 4:35 PMGabriele Carcassi
Removing support for mapfile db cache. (1 Files changed, 1 Lines changed)
xdocs/changes.xml 1.18 (+1 -0)