GUMS command line tools

Here we describe all the commands available use and their intended use.

List of client tools

All GUMS commands are located in the ./bin directory of your GUMS installation. There are three tools:

  • ./bin/gums - this script will provide access to all GUMS functionalities, including adding and removing people to manually managed groups, generating maps for any hosts and forcing GUMS to refresh the user lists from the VO servers. This script will run using user credentials, and will need a valid proxy certificate. The DN for the user must be in the admin group, or GUMS will respond with an authorization denied.
  • ./bin/gums-host - this script will provide access to only the maps for the current host. One can either retrieve the maps (mapfile and osg inverse map) or test the callout door requesting the mapping for a particular user credential (DN and FQAM). The script will use the host credentials, so it will be typically executed as root. The host credentials will need to match the name of the map requested, and no special authorization needs to be set in GUMS.
  • ./bin/gums-host-cron - this is a pre-made cron job that retrieves the maps and installs them at the proper position. Will generate the mapfile and install it in /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile, and if $VDT_LOCATION, the inverse map for accounting will be saved in $VDT_LOCATION/monitoring/grid3-user-vo-map.txt.

List of server tools

With the server, there are a few script bundled:

  • ./sbin/setupDatabase - this script creates a mysql database suitable for GUMS. It requires the mysql root password to run.
  • ./sbin/addAdmin - this script adds a user in the 'admins' group in the GUMS mysql database, which is the admin group in the default configuration.
  • ./sbin/upgrade1.1From1.0 - this scripts updates mysql database and configuration file