Account Request Form Help

Use your "official" name, not your nickname. Make sure that you include a middle initial if there sure that you include a middle initial if there might be someone else with the same first and last name.
E-mail address
Include the full address as username@hostname.domain. Use your email address at your institution, home, or (if none other is available) the email address of your Contact . This is the address where we will send notification about the availability of your account.
The organization that you are affiliated with for example, BNL, BRAHMS, PHENIX, PHOBOS, STAR, etc.
BNL Life or Guest Number
If you have a BNL life number or guest number, enter it in the form.
To apply for a guest number, click where it says "you may click here
to apply for one." Numbers that begin with "GR" are not guest numbers.
The "GR" number means you have applied for a guest number. The
User Office will send you a valid Guest Number after they process
your request. Guest Numbers are either one letter followed by four
numbers or four numbers followed by one letter.
Laboratory extension or other phone number where you can be reached. Include the area and/or country code, as appropriate, for all phone numbers outside of BNL.
The user (login) name that you would like to have for your account. It should be no more than eight characters long. It should start with a lower case letter and contain only lower case letters and numbers.
Second Choice
If your primary choice for a user name is already taken, we will try your Second Choice. We will notify you if we cannot create your account(s) using your choice(s) of Username.
The RHIC group in which you would like to be a member.
AFS Account
All valid new members of groups "rhbrahms," "rhphenix," "rhphobos," "rhpp2pp," "rhstaff," and "rhstar" will automatically be given AFS accounts. If you will be a member of another group and wish an AFS account, click on "yes" and fill in the AFS Account Justification field.
AFS Account Justification
In order to obtain an AFS account, you need to specify the reason why you need it.
You must specify the name of a legitimate Contact (someone known by us).
Contact's E-Mail and phone.
We use this information to verify that you are a legitimate candidate for an account at the RHIC Computing Facility.

If you have further questions, contact

U.S. Department of Energy Brookhaven National Laboratory

Report problems or send comments to RCF Webmaster.
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This document last modified Wednesday March 14, 2007

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