General Use

Web Interface

In a browser with your user certificate loaded, type in the url "https://host.domain:8443/gums" with host and domain replaced with your host and domain. Assuming you have properly configured GUMS and have added your DN to the "admins" group, you will see three sections on the left:

  • Configuration - configure the elements involved in mapping a user to an account.
  • User Management - add individual users to user groups and account mappers, or force an member update for each user group.
  • View Mappings - view mappings to see if the output of GUMS mappings is as expected.

Each link brings up a new page, which is typically a list of elements for which you can add, delete, or edit.

Client Tools

There are five GUMS client tools:

  • gums-host - makes core GUMS calls such as mapUser and generateGridMapfile. This command uses the host certificate/key (e.g. /etc/grid-security/host*.pem).
  • gums - makes core GUMS calls plus administrative commands. This command uses a user proxy (e.g. using grid-proxy-init).
  • gums-service - just like "gums" but uses the host certificate/key (e.g. /etc/grid-security/host*.pem).
  • gums-host-cron - runs as a root cron process that calls "gums-host" to periodically create a grid-mapfile and an OSG-user-VO-map.
  • gums-nagios - used by Nagios to determine if GUMS is up or down. For each DN/account pair in the gums-nagios.conf file, mapUser is called for the DN and the result compared to the account.

By running a client tool without any parameters, you are shown what commands are available. These tools are configured using the following files (within /etc/gums/ for the RPM install):

  • gums-client.properites - contains the GUMS location and authz URLs - replace localhost with your GUMS host.
  • - contains error levels and locations of log files.
  • gums-nagios.conf - contains a set of test DN/account pairs for use by "gums-nagios".