Manual Installation

This page provides installation instructions for the GUMS Service and also the GUMS Client.

Installing the GUMS Service

This section describes how to install the GUMS Service which provides the GUMS web interface and web services.

Prepare Java

GUMS is written in Java, and requires Java 1.4.2 or greater to be installed to run. Be sure it is installed in your $PATH. Try running:

[root@gums root]# java -version
java version "1.4.2_04";
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_04-b05)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_04-b05, mixed mode)

If you do not have java installed, go to and follow the instructions to get the latest version. Then add java to $PATH.

Install the Persistence Factory

User membership and account mappings need to be stored in a "persistence factory". This can be done either via a MySQL database (4.0.18 or greater) or LDAP or both. We recommend using LDAP so that all user information is stored and retrieved from one place. The other advantage of LDAP is that GUMS will assign primary and secondary group information to accounts within your site's main LDAP tree. Install a database and/or LDAP from scratch or you can use an installation you have ready. The default GUMS configuration assumes MySQL is installed on the local machine, but it does not have to be.

Prepare the Certificate Directory

GUMS requires a host GRID certificate and key be present. The easiest way is to use the VDT, but since but you are not, you are on your own here.

Prepare Tomcat

You will need Tomcat with version 5 or greater installed. You will also need to configure Tomcat to use the EGEE Security Manager to handle SSL authentication. To do this, download and run the tomcat5-glite-trustmanager RPM. Next, review the configuration of the server as:

[root@gums /]# cd /etc/tomcat5
[root@gums tomcat5]# vi server.xml

Add the following section with the appropriate paths for your installation:

        <Connector port="8443"
               maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
               enableLookups="false" disableUploadTimeout="true"
               acceptCount="100" debug="0" scheme="https" secure="true"
               clientAuth="true" sslProtocol="TLS" />

You will probably want to increase the maximum memory size set in java since the default is low (64Mb in 1.4.2). This can be set in /etc/tomcat5/tomcat5.conf using JAVA_OPTS. For example, to change the maximum memory size to 400m, add the following entry:

JAVA_OPTS="-server -Xmx400m"

Once you have completed the configuration of Tomcat, be sure to restart it for the changes to take effect.

Download the GUMS Service

The service itself is a standard java web application. Grab the latest gums-service war from and extract it in the webapps directory of tomcat.

Configure Persistence Factory

MySQL Persistence

Run MySQL. Assuming it is installed by RPM, this is done as:

[root@gums /]# /etc/init.d/mysqld start

If using MySQL, you will need to create the database. On the machine with MySQL running, you can do this by running the setupDatabase script as:

[root@gums gums]# cd gums-service-1.2.0/WEB-INF/scripts
[root@gums scripts]# chmod ug+x *
[root@gums scripts]# ./setupDatabase
Usage: ./setupDatabase [mysql user for GUMS] [GUMS server host] [GUMS mysql password]
[root@gums scripts]# ./setupDatabase gums secret

The script will only run on localhost. If you need to create db on another server, or with different account then root, edit the setupDatabase script as:

[root@gums scripts]# cat setupDatabase

You must also add yourself to the admins user group in the MySQL database using the gums-add-mysql-admin script as:

[root@gums scripts]# ./gums-add-mysql-admin
Adds an admin in the GUMS database on localhost
Usage: ./gums-add-mysql-admin [mysql|ldap] [DN for administrator]
[root@gums scripts]# ./gums-add-mysql-admin mysql "/DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Your Self 83753"

All additional users may be added through the web interface or client tools.

LDAP Persistence

If using LDAP, you will need to configure LDAP. In your LDAP domain, you (or your site's LDAP administrator) should add all accounts under "ou=People" and all groups under "ou=Groups" if they do not exist. During the configuration phase of GUMS, you will choose whether to use a "LDAP persistence factory" or a "local persistence factory" (you should not use both). Both of them use LDAP to assign primary and secondary groups to the main LDAP tree, but the LDAP persistence factory stores GUMS specific information in LDAP whereas the local persistence factory stores it in MySQL.

If you are using the LDAP persistence factory, you (or your site's LDAP administrator) or will need to further configure the LDAP server to understand the GUMS LDAP schema. Downloaded the schema from here and should be put in /etc/openldap/schema. Restart the LDAP server for the changes to take effect as:

[root@ldap /]# /etc/init.d/ldap restart

Also, an object of type GUMSStruct needs to be created named 'GUMS'. Do this by downloading this LDIF file and running something like:

 ldapadd -x -h localhost -D uid=Manager,dc=mydomain,dc=org -w secret -f gums.ldif

You must also add yourself to the admins user group in LDAP. Create a file named admins.ldif with the following contents except with your DN:

dn: group=admins,ou=GUMS,dc=griddev,dc=org
objectClass: GUMStruct
objectClass: GUMSGroup
group: admins
user: /DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Your Self 83753

and add these using openldap's "ldapadd" command. All additional users may be added through the web interface or client tools.

See openldap documentation for more information at

Configure GUMS for Admin Lookup

Open WEB-INF/config/gums.config (main GUMS configuration file) and ensure the persistence factory at which you added the administrator DN is set up in the persistenceFactories section. If using MySQL to store the admin, check that the url, username, and password are correct. If using LDAP to store the admin, see the configuration section for instructions how to set up a ldapPersistenceFactory; also make sure the admins userGroup refers to this by name in the "persistenceFactory" field. From this point on, you no longer need to manually edit the gums.config file, but can configure GUMS using the web interface.

Setting the Frequency to Refresh GUMS from VOMS

GUMS will query the various VOMS VOs defined in the bgums.config/b file on a periodic basis based on a parameter defined in .../WEB-INF/web.xml. The third line from the bottom contains the interval in minutes. Default is every 12 hours.


You may want to adjust the value. If tomcat is already running, you will need to restart it to effect the change.

Run Tomcat and MySQL

Run Tomcat. Assuming it is installed by RPM, this is done as:

[root@gums /]# /etc/init.d/tomcat5 start


Using a browser in which you have imported your grid certificate, go to: https://machine:8443/gums or with the port you configured Tomcat with. You should see the GUMS web interface. You might need to wait a bit for tomcat to realize the gums application was installed. Try generating the grid map-file for the host "" and it should give you some response.

Installing the GUMS Client

This section describes how to install the GUMS Client, which provides command line tools for hosts and administrators. This package depends on the GUMS service being up and running.

Download and Run the GUMS Client RPM

The client consists of several executables installed by RPM. Download and run the latest RPM from Listing the files as:

[root@gums /]# ls /usr/sbin | grep gums
[username@gums /]#

you will notice that there are several executables in the bin directory:

  • gums-host - Allows access to the GUMS mapping services.
  • gums - Same functionality as gums-host only it uses a grid proxy file (see use of Globus grid-proxy-init).
  • gums-host-cron - This script is intended to be run as a root cron process. It calls the gums-host executable. It generates a grid-map file, an inverse map, a list of VOs that can be authorized by this CE node, and a list of UNIX accounts that can potentially be authorized.
  • gums-service - Allows access to all GUMS services including all those available through gums-host for administrator use. It also uses a grid proxy file.
  • check-gums - A Nagios plugin for monitoring GUMS.

Prepare the Certificate Directory and/or Globus

Except for gums-host and gums-host-cron, the executables require use of the grid-proxy-init command provided by Globus, which is provided by the VDT. gums-host and gums-host-cron depend on a valid certificate being present at /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem and /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem. You are again on your own here.


Tell the gums-client where your GUMS server is by filling in your full machine name (even if you installed GUMS Admin on the same machine) as:

[root@gums /]# vi /etc/gums/


Test the client by generating a mapfile at the command line

[root@gums /]# su - username
[username@gums /]# /usr/sbin/gums-host generateGridMapfile /DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=Services/

You should get the same response you got from the web server.

Configure GUMS

To do anything useful, you need to configure GUMS mappings, which is described in the "Configure Mappings" section.